Menopause treatment Beachwood, NJ - Harmony MD

Understanding Menopause and Its Symptoms

Menopause signals a transition in a woman's life, marking the end of her reproductive years. The reduced production of key hormones like estrogen and progesterone during this time can give rise to various physical and emotional symptoms. Common signs and symptoms include:

The intensity and duration of symptoms varies significantly among women. Around 80% experience some degree of troublesome menopausal symptoms that can last from a few months to over 10 years. Timely diagnosis and treatment is key to effectively managing symptoms, improving quality of life and preventing long term health issues.

Our exceptional team of menopause specialists at Harmony MD offers comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and support throughout the menopause journey. We create personalized treatment plans to address each woman's unique needs using the latest medical advancements.

Key Diagnostic Tests

Accurately assessing hormone levels through diagnostic testing is crucial for determining the appropriate course of treatment. We order special blood and/or saliva tests to measure levels of key hormones like:

Hormone Function
Estrogen Exists in three main forms (estradiol, estriol, and estrone). Plays vital roles in the reproductive system and in maintaining bone strength, heart health, brain function, and more.
Progesterone Works synergistically with estrogen to regulate the menstrual cycle. Also contributes to bone formation, mood stability, and cardiovascular health.
Testosterone Smaller quantities are important for libido, energy levels, muscle/bone strength, and mental acuity.
DHEA An androgen hormone that gets converted to estrogen and testosterone. Declines with age and can worsen menopausal symptoms.
T3 & T4 Key thyroid hormones that help control metabolism. Menopause can trigger thyroid issues leading to weight gain, fatigue, etc.

Based on test findings and keeping the patient history in mind, our menopause specialists determine areas of hormonal imbalance and customize therapeutic regimens to restore optimal hormone levels. We also regularly monitor progress through follow-up testing.

Our services

Get relief from menopause symptoms. Visit our specialists today.

Innovative Treatment Options

The latest medical advancements have expanded the possibilities for effectively managing troublesome menopause symptoms without the risks of long term hormone replacement. We offer cutting edge therapies tailored to suit each patient's needs.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Also referred to as bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT), this involves administering plant-derived hormones that are identical in molecular structure to the body's own hormones. The key hormones we commonly prescribe are:

These are available in various personalized doses and formats - pills, transdermal creams/gels, vaginal inserts, pellets, and injections. Our experts carefully determine the optimal bioidentical hormone preparations, doses, and routes of administration for each woman.

Compounded BHT

We also offer specialized pharmacy compounding services to create personalized bioidentical hormone combinations and formats not commercially available. Compounded BHT provides tremendous flexibility in doses, routes of delivery, and ingredient choices.

Nutraceuticals & Supplements

Evidence-based nutritional supplements can help ease uncomfortable symptoms where hormone levels are within normal ranges. We recommend quality supplements with botanicals like:

Supplement Benefits
Black Cohosh Hot flashes & night sweats
Maca Improved libido & sexual function
Vitamin E, Omega 3s & Magnesium Emotional stability
Calcium, Vitamin D3 & Magnesium Bone health

Herbal remedies can also help treat specific menopause concerns:

We compound high quality custom formulations based on each patient's nutritional testing and areas needing support.

Stress Management & Lifestyle Changes

Managing stress along with certain dietary and lifestyle measures can provide significant relief in menopausal symptoms:

Our clinicians provide in-depth counselling on beneficial lifestyle habits and stress busting techniques tailored to every woman's circumstances. We also address the mind-body connection through cognitive behavioural therapy where appropriate.

Emerging Advances

Exciting new therapies on the horizon include techniques like laser treatments to relieve vaginal atrophy and investigative drugs with fewer side effects than traditional hormones. Our clinic keeps up to date with cutting edge advancements to continually expand our treatment capabilities.

In addition to offering a wide array of therapeutic choices, Harmony MD also stands out for our exceptional patient care. We schedule longer visits to address all aspects of a woman's health beyond just menopausal symptoms. Our compassionate and highly trained staff provide ongoing guidance, education, and emotional support. We partner with patients on their wellness journey to help them reclaim their health.

Dispelling Common Myths

Many misconceptions still prevail around menopausal hormone therapy and its effectiveness. Here we debunk some common myths using facts.

Myth: Bioidentical hormones made by compounding pharmacies are safer than commercial FDA-approved ones.

Fact: The FDA asserts no evidence proving bioidentical hormones are safer or more effective. They have potential risks similar to traditional hormone therapy. What matters most is the right hormone preparation tailored to the individual.

Myth: Women with breast cancer should not take hormones.

Fact: The latest research indicates bioidentical hormones under strict medical guidance do not increase recurrence risk in breast cancer survivors suffering from severe menopause symptoms.

Myth: Menopausal hormone therapy harms your heart.

Fact: Prior links with heart disease involved older drugs using synthetic hormones in tablet format. Bioidentical hormones including transdermal estradiol have not shown increased cardiovascular risks in recent studies. However, risks vs benefits are weighed carefully before recommending therapy.

Myth: Thyroid issues have no connection with menopause

Fact: The hormonal changes of menopause frequently trigger thyroid problems. Optimizing both thyroid and reproductive hormone levels works best to resolve persisting symptoms.

We debunk many other pervasive myths and outdated notions about safety concerns, effectiveness for symptom relief etc. that prevent women from getting much needed treatment. Book a consultation at our clinic to get the real facts about menopause therapies.

Restoring Wellness and Vitality

The positive impact of properly managed menopause treatment reaches all aspects of a woman's health. With treatment, patients describe profound improvements in key areas:

Reduced Severity of Symptoms

Carefully tailored hormone balancing greatly minimizes troublesome vasomotor symptoms allowing women to sleep, work, and socialize with ease.

Increased Energy and Productivity

Correcting hormone deficiencies and nutrition revitalizes energy levels allowing women to pursue passions and ambitions.

Improved Mood and Outlook

Balanced hormone interplay with optimized serotonin and dopamine production enhances outlook and resilience.

Healthy Weight Management

Regulated estrogen and thyroid activity makes healthy eating and exercise easier promoting weight control.

Better Sleep Quality

Restored hormone interplay results in deeper, more restful sleep with fewer night awakenings.

Increased Libido and Sexual Satisfaction

Normalized moisture lubrication and testosterone levels leads to greater intimacy enjoyment.

Slowed Skin and Bone Aging

Age related skin and bone changes slow down and reverse progress through increased collagen formation and bone mineralization.

Enhanced Mental Sharpness

Optimized estrogen levels enhance memory, reasoning, and quick thinking characteristic of younger years.

Disease Prevention

Balancing hormones significantly decreases risks for diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and certain cancers.

With renewed energy and zest for life, women can continue pursuing personal goals and purposeful living during the second half of life as new beginnings unfold.

Take the first step to reclaiming your optimal wellness. Book an initial consultation at our Harmony MD with one of our empathetic menopause experts.

Get relief - visit our menopause specialists today.

Amanda's Journey Back to Wellness

Amanda first came to see Dr. Jane Smith, founder of Harmony MD, two years after her final period. She looked tired with dull skin, had gained nearly 15 pounds, and felt constantly stressed. The 47-year-old mother of two was struggling with work and caring for her kids because of worsening menopause symptoms.

"I wake up sweating through my pajamas almost every night. I then struggle to fall back asleep with my racing heart. Exhaustion hampers my performance at my demanding corporate job. My mind also feels so foggy I can't remember simple client names and conversation details anymore," she tearily shared.

Listening to Amanda, Dr. Smith heard the plight echoed by so many women reaching out for help with menopause. After ordering comprehensive blood and saliva hormone panels and thyroid testing, they uncovered the source of her struggles. Amanda had very low levels of estradiol and progesterone along with suboptimal thyroid hormones and testosterone.

Dr. Smith started Amanda on a combination estradiol/progesterone bioidentical cream daily to gently raise her hormone levels along with oral progesterone at bedtime. They added small dose compounded testosterone cream to apply twice a week to support energy and mood. Dr. Smith also prescribed thyroid medication and recommended an organic whole food diet with specific daily supplements. At a follow-up visit after two months, Amanda already showed marked improvement.

"My hot flashes now only happen occasionally instead of daily. I sleep through most nights peacefully now. My joie de vivre seems to be coming back, and I've lost 5 pounds without really trying," she reported with a smile.

Over 18 months of monitoring and adjusting her regimen, Amanda regained the zest, clarity of mind, and healthy body she feared the menopause transition had permanently robbed. "I cannot thank the wonderful Dr. Smith and her staff enough for giving me my life back! Harmony MD has helped thousands of women thrive during the menopause journey through expert care. Every woman deserves to feel this vibrant on the other side of menopause too!"


Harmony MD is dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care for women navigating the menopause transition. Our team of experts utilizes the latest medical advancements and evidence-based therapies to address each woman's unique symptoms and needs. From bioidentical hormone replacement to nutraceuticals, stress management, and emerging treatments, we offer a wide range of options to restore hormonal balance and alleviate menopause-related discomforts. By dispelling common myths and emphasizing the positive impact of proper treatment, we empower women to reclaim their wellness, vitality, and quality of life during this pivotal phase. Book a consultation today to embark on your journey towards revitalized health and well-being.

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